Welcome To Ginna
Welcome to Ginna,
The RP Site manager for the outage will be Roger Knight. Until he arrives on site, you can contact Josh Talamo with any questions at 315-791-3518 or Joshua.talamo@constellation.com or Tim Boddy at 781-789-1115 or tim.boddy@bhienergy.com
For Ginna in-processing, employees will be over at Nine Mile Point in Oswego, NY. While they are at NMP, they will complete their initial Computer Based Training exams, drug and alcohol screening, and any other testing.
Once they have been badged, they will complete their hand geometry here at Ginna.
In processing at Nine Mile Point testing will take place in the ‘P’ building located at 348 Lake Road, Oswego, NY 13126. Access Authorization contact here will be Kelly Chmielewski (315) 349-2401 in the event that you are unable to make it in on the morning of your report date.
The hand geometry at Ginna will take place at the Training Center located on driveway #3 at 1503 Lake Road, Ontario, NY 14519. Access Authorization contact here will be Dan Kuhn (315) 791-3275.
Please be on the lookout for an email from Exelon Illuminate. It could be in your email or your junk mail. Please fill it out and return as soon as possible. You also need to be on the lookout for the on boarding paperwork from Westinghouse. This could also be in your regular email or junk mail. If you open it on your phone, scroll to the top and complete the signature first. Then click on Per diem cert or Minimal physical requirements. Please fill it out promptly and send it back to the office.
Please bring your PPE with you.
See you there,