Welcome to Clinton
Hello, my name is Marta Overstreet, and I’ll be the site manager for Clinton. You can contact me at (815) 830-2029 or marta.overstreet@bhienergy.com.
Everyone will report directly to the site in processing bldg. located across from the access road from the plant itself at 0700 for in-processing. You will be able to see the sign as you approach it.
We will be working 8-hour days for pre outage. For the outage, you will be working days 0600 – 1800 or 0730 – 1930 or 1800 – 0600 or 1930 – 0730.
Please be on the lookout for an email from Exelon Illuminate. It could be in your email or your junk mail. Please fill it out and return it as soon as possible. Also, look for a per diem certification from Westinghouse if you are a traveler.
Please come prepared to work with safety shoes and long pants. If you have a hardhat bring it with you. If you do not have one, we will provide one. Safety glasses will be provided.
See you there,