Welcome to CC1R26
Welcome to Calvert Cliffs,
The RP/Decon Site Manager will Roger Knight. Prior to his arrival on site, you can reach out to Jerry Clark or Tim Boddy with questions or shift preferences. For Jerry call 410-495-2018 or jerry.clark@constellation.com for Tim 781-7890-1115 tim.boddy@bhienergy.com
On your report date, please report to Warehouse One second floor at 0600 first before going to in-processing. Buses will be available to bring you to the warehouse. Please Park in the overflow parking area.
Jerry’s office is in the back left hand side closest to the NSF security walkway. If you have any questions, please call 410-495-2018 or 410-212-4870.
Please be on the lookout for an email from Exelon Illuminate. It could be in your email or your junk mail. Please fill it out and return as soon as possible. You also need to be on the lookout for the on boarding paperwork from Westinghouse. This could also be in your regular email or junk mail. If you open it on your phone, scroll to the top and complete the signature first. Then click on Per diem cert or Minimal physical requirements. Please fill it out promptly and send it back to the office.
If you have not completed the 2024 Continuing Training (RP), you need to do so prior to arriving on site. Expect to see email reminders from me after the first of the year if you don’t have it done by then.
Please bring your PPE with you.
See you there,