Turkey Point

Site Information

Turkey Point Nuclear Generating Station contains two PWR units and one gas-fired unit, located in southeastern Florida, 25 miles south of Miami.

Turkey Point is owned by Florida Power & Light. The two nuclear units entered service in 1972 and 1973 and generate 1,604 MW.

Key Contact Information

Westinghouse Site Manager:  Dale Pittman; 352-212-6846

Recruiter: Terrence Ball
800-225-0385 X1258, terrence.ball@westinghouse.com

Reporting Information

Report at 3:00 pm to Badging Trailer 21 in the Swamp.

Check with Recruiter for your report date if you have any questions.


GPS Address

Turkey Point Nuclear, Homestead, FL 33033

Directions/Link to Google Maps

Nearest Airports

Miami International (MIA) 38 miles

Preferred Places to Stay

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