The San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS) was a two PWR unit site is located on the Pacific Coast 50 miles north of San Diego and 70 miles south of Los Angeles.
The site is owned by Southern California Edison, San Diego Gas & Electric, and the City of Riverside Utilities Dept and has been in the process of decommissioning since 2013. The site’s first unit operated from 1968 to 1992. Units 2 and 3 went into service in 1983 and 1984, and generated 2,200 MW.
BHI Site Manager: Name
Phone, Email
Recruiter: Joey Melanson
800-225-0385 X1272,
5000 Old Pacific Highway, Pendleton, CA 92058
John Wayne Airport (SNA) 33 miles
San Diego International (SAN) 59 miles
Los Angeles International (LAX) 71 miles
All Seasons RV Park & Campground Oceanside RV Park Paradise by the Sea RV Park |
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