
Site Information

LaSalle County Generating Station’s two nuclear reactors are located in northern Illinois in Marseilles, IL, 82 miles southwest of Chicago.

The site is owned and operated by Exelon. The units were put into service in 1982 and 1984 and generate 2,320 MW.

Key Contact Information

Westinghouse Site Manager: Marta Overstreet


Reporting Information

On your first day you will report to Exelon’s STC facility in Wilmington near the Braidwood Station. The address is 36400 Essex Rd, Wilmington, Il 60481.  Reporting time will be 0700 and be prepared to provide a sample for Fitness for Duty.  Please remember that there will be a large number of people processing through and the FFD team can be a little short when things don’t progress the way they want it to.

GPS Address

2601 N 21st Rd, Marseilles, IL 61341

Directions/Link to Google Maps

Nearest Airports

Chicago O’Hare International (ORD) 82 miles

Chicago Midway International (MDW) 75 miles


Preferred Places to Stay

Hotels near LaSalle Google Map



Comfort Inn of Morris
70 W Gore Road
Morris, IL 60450

Days Inn
80 Hampton Rd
Morris, IL 60450

Holiday Inn Express & Suites
222 Gore Rd
Morris, IL 60450

Quality Inn
200 Gore Rd 60450
Morris, IL

Super 8
70 Green Acres Drive
Morris, IL

3 bedroom, fully furnished basement apt, with full bath, 1900 sq ft of living space for up to three individuals.  It has a private access off the garage.  It has a TV, furnished living room, full kitchen pool/ping pong table and laundry facilities available.  It’s $250 a week per room.

Call Todd at 815-671-6493


Best Western Joliet Inn & Suites
4380 Enterprise Dr
Joliet, IL 60431

Comfort Inn (North)
3235 Norman Avenue

Fairfield Inn (South)
1501 Riverboat Center Drive (Off I80)

Fairfield Inn (North)
I55 & Route 30

Hampton Inn
1521 Riverboat Center Dr

Hampton Inn
3555 Mall Loop Drive

Hollywood Casino Hotel
777 Hollywood Blvd
Joliet, IL 60436

Holiday Inn
Off I80 at Larkin

Ramada Inn
I55 and Rte 30

Motel 6
1850 McDonough St

Motel 6
3551 Mall Loop Dr

Wingate Inn (I55 & 52)
101 McDonald Avenue

Red Roof Inns
I80 & Larkin

Misc. Area Hotels

Bel Air Motel
1103 Plainfield Road

Joliet Inn
19747 Frontage Rd

Elk’s Motel
Rt. 55 & 52nd Street

Fireside Resort Hotel
I55 & Rt .52

Sun Motel
140 S. Hickory St



Welcome to L1R19

by Tim Boddy on 1/7/2025 11:04 PM


My name is Marta Overstreet and I will be the site Manager for LaSalle.  You can contact me at 815-830-2029 or  Everyone will report directly to STC which is the Constellation Services and Training Center.  While at STC, you will be working 7:00 – 3:30.  The address is 36400 Essex Rd, Wilmington, IL 60481.

After you get your badge head to LaSalle, you will park in the contractor parking lot in the section closest to the main road.  Once parked you will head to the MAF.  Once inside walk straight by the x ray machines and walk straight to badge fab for your bios, process through security.

Once outside of the MAF look to the far right and you will see the training bldg.  Head over there to pick up your DLR.

Once you have your DLR, you want to walk back towards the MAF, but keep walking following the road around the curve.  You will keep walking until you see a building on the right with steps leading up to the door.  This is where the breakroom is.   Enter the bldg. and follow the hallway around until you come to a door on the right that says BHI break room.

All technicians will be working 7 12’s.  The outage start times will be 0600 or 0730 for dayshift and 1800 or 1930 for nightshift.

Please be on the lookout for an email from Exelon Illuminate.  It could be in your email or your junk mail.  Please fill it out and return as soon as possible.  You also need to be on the lookout for the on boarding paperwork from Westinghouse  This could also be in your regular email or junk mail.  If you open it on your phone, scroll to the top and complete the signature first.  Then click on Per diem cert or Minimal physical requirements.  Please fill it out promptly and send it back to the office.

If you have not completed your 2022 Continuing training, you need to do so before you arrive on site.

Please come prepared to work with safety shoes and long pants.  If you have a hardhat bring it with you.  If you do not have one, we will provide one.  Safety glasses will be provided.  Cannot wait to see everyone!

See you there,



Exelon InProcessing Checklist

by varesha mauney on 1/7/2025 07:38 PM

Listed below are items that individuals inprocessing at one of our Nuclear Facilities shall arrive with on their hire day.

The following are required items:

  • State or Government Issued Picture ID (If picture is on a valid, e.g., not expired, etc. Drivers License that will be sufficient)
  • Social Security Card/Work Visa #/Naturalization Certification #
  • Location and date of last Unescorted Access to any nuclear station in the US
  • Education Institutions, city & state addresses, dates attended (information should include high school)
  • Four personal references (must be available for contact)
    • Names, addresses & telephone numbers (day/evening)
      (References cannot be related to the individual or residing in their home)
  • Employment History (3 years or since last unescorted access)
    • Company names, addresses & telephone numbers
    •  Dates employed (from & to) (Must include Month/Day/Year)
    • Name of a contact person for each company
  • Unemployment Periods
    • Dates Unemployed (From & To) (Must include Month/Day/Year)
    • Must be verified by a personal reference (can be related) with a telephone number
  • Credit History
    • Must List 1 creditor (VISA, Master Charge, etc.) and explain any credit difficulties. Foreign Nationals must bring in a credit report from Country of Origin.
  • Residences for Last 5 Years or since last unescorted access
  • Arrest Documentation
  • All Arrests, since your 18th birthday, need to be reported (Except Minor Traffic e.g. Speeding or Parking).
    • You Must Bring the Arresting papers & Final Court Disposition for any arrest occurring within the last 5 years.
    • If It Is a single DUI Arrest within 365 days, you must bring copies of the Arresting papers, the Court Disposition, the Evaluation by a Certified Addiction Counselor and any treatment requirements.
    • Any PENDING DUI Arrests must have a current Evaluation by a Certified Addiction Counselor.
    • You may be required to provide documentation for any arrest.
  • Fitness for Duty
  • All persons must successfully pass a Pre-Access Drug & Alcohol Test
    • All persons applying for Unescorted Access MUST Indicate:
    • If you have ever been denied unescorted access at any nuclear power plant.
    • If you have ever been removed from or made ineligible for unescorted access to any nuclear facility, Technical Support Center (TSC) or Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) for a violation of a Fitness For Duty Program.
    • If you have violated an employer’s drug and alcohol testing program.
    • If you have subverted or attempted to subvert a drug or alcohol testing program or refused to take a drug or alcohol test.
    • If you have used, sold or possessed illegal drugs or abused illegal drugs.
    • If you have had legal or employment action taken for alcohol or drug use.
    • If you have been subjected to a plan for substance abuse treatment (except for self-referral)
    • If you have tested positive for illegal drugs or use of alcohol that resulted in on duty impairment, or pre-employment testing.


Individual has one or more DUI arrests and/or convictions or any pending DUI arrest: Individual must show up on site with disposition of court case and documentation of any effective chemical dependency evaluation by a Certified Addictions Counselor* and/or treatment following each event.
Individual has three (3) or more DUI arrests, resolved or unresolved: Individual may not be eligible for unescorted access. Contact the appropriate Exelon Security Reviewer prior to arriving on site to process.
Individual has a non-nuclear Fitness for Duty violation. Individual must provide documentation of a Certified Addictions Counselor’s evaluation, completion/progress of treatment or rehabilitation prior to arriving on site to apply for unescorted access. In order to be approved, contact the appropriate Exelon Security Reviewer prior to showing up on site.
Individual has ever been refused or discharged from employment for a violation of a Fitness for Duty Program. Individual must provide documentation of a Certified Addictions Counselor’s evaluation, completion/progress of treatment or rehabilitation prior to arriving on site to apply for unescorted access. Approval to be determined by Exelon Security Reviewer.
Individual has been subjected to a plan for treating substance abuse except for self-referral for treatment over any period of time. Individual must show up on site with documentation of a Certified Addictions Counselor’s evaluation, completion/progress on treatment or rehabilitation. Approval to be determined by Exelon Security Reviewer.
Individual has tested positive for illegal drugs or use of alcohol that resulted in on duty impairment. Individual must provide documentation of a Certified Addictions Counselor’s evaluation, completion/progress of treatment or rehabilitation prior to arriving on site to apply for unescorted access. In order to be approved, contact the appropriate Exelon Security Reviewer prior to showing up on site.
Individual requires a clinical interview due to results of the MMPI. Individual must have a clinical interview and the resulting evaluation must be favorable. Exelon will set up the appointment and cover the expense of the interview. Individual will be expected to comply with the instructions provided by Security.
Individual should be prepared to list all arrests (e.g., Criminal Charges, Convictions or Proceedings) since their 18th birthday or since their last unescorted access whether convicted or not convicted. Individuals should list all felony, misdemeanor, traffic or military criminal history to include court martials or non-judicial punishment. This includes guilty pleas and nolle contendere, any suspended sentences, pre-trial diversions, dismissals, nolle prosse, or first offender cases. (Individuals may omit speeding tickets or parking tickets) All alcohol related arrests must be listed. Individual must show up on site with documentation of disposition of court case(s) and may require an interview by Exelon Security.

Documentation may be required for any arrest outside of the 5 year scope as deemed necessary by the Exelon Security Reviewer.

Results of fingerprints from the FBI will be received prior to granting Unescorted Access.

Individual has other than “Honorable Discharge” from the Armed Services. Individual must contact the appropriate Exelon Security Reviewer for an interview and supply any additional information required.
Individual has been denied access at any nuclear facility over any period of time. Individual must contact Exelon Security for an interview prior to individual’s arrival on site and supply any additional information required as appropriate by the Exelon Security Reviewer.
Probation, parole or work release. MUST contact the appropriate Exelon Security Reviewer prior to arrival on site.
Individual has any Fitness for Duty violations, nuclear, non-nuclear or a combination of the two. MUST contact the appropriate Exelon Security Reviewer prior to arrival on site.
Individual has any drug related arrests. MUST contact the appropriate Exelon Security Reviewer prior to arrival on site.
Individual has an arrest and/or conviction for the sale, delivery or manufacture of illegal drugs. MUST contact the appropriate Exelon Security Reviewer prior to arrival on site.

*Certified Addictions Counselors may be found online or contact your nearest doctor, addictions center or hospital for referral.