The Gold Standard of Services

We work to support energy and power production, providing safe, high quality engineering, construction and maintenance services that drive operational efficiency and support continuous improvement across all our industries.

From refineries and industrial plants, renewable energy fields to power generating facilities, you’ll find BHI Energy hard at work.

Our innovative approach to project management and services delivery results in lower costs and higher productivity, and our long term relationships with much of the utility market for over 40 years provides proof of our consistent results.

Our extensive experience managing projects from the simple to complex, coupled with highly skilled technical, professional and craft labor, offers you depth of experience in delivering your operational needs, safely, and in the most efficient and effective manner creating a true partnership in supporting the achievement of your strategic goals. Explore our service offerings and contact us to begin a conversation about your business needs.

BHI Energy’s Nuclear business is now Westinghouse Nuclear!  Explore our full offering at