Meet BHI Energy

For over 40 years, our diverse services have been focused on multiple end markets, united by our level of service and quality, our unique partnership approach to our customer relationships, and our internal culture of how we interact with and support each other.

BHI provides industry-leading specialty and maintenance services to the industrial, oil & gas, and power generation markets. In addition to offering select specialty services, BHI also has the ability to bundle our individual offerings into a fully integrated platform. This platform provides our customers with the quality of a specialty services provider with the coordination and cost savings of a fully integrated service provider.

Since 1979, our business model has been proven to build and maintain longstanding partnerships with our customers, based on the alignment of operating objectives and our ability to help our customers better manage and service their operating assets. We provide quality and cost effective solutions to our customers by leveraging our top leadership along with our highly skilled workforce; which includes thousands of experienced project management and technical, professional and craft labor operating at over 130 global project locations.


Safety is our most important value, reflecting our customers’ safety culture as our own.  BHI Energy’s safety record consistently achieves top decile performance – reflecting our attitudes, practices, behavior and overall commitment to safety.

Our Center of Excellence provides guidance and support to all divisions, managing a robust “Lessons Learned” process and working closely with customers to align with their safety culture.

Explore our unwavering commitment to Safety.

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BHI Energy is committed to the development of employees with the highest safety training, qualifications and skill sets to meet our customers’ needs.

We have invested millions of dollars on training infrastructure and programs. This investment includes a 15,000 square foot training facility located at our Lawrenceville, GA office, with classrooms, laboratories, full scale mock ups and dynamic learning facilities.

Learn more about how BHI’s technical training programs can improve your workforce!

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BHI has a 40+ year legacy of partnering with customers to service power assets.  Through acquisition and organic growth, BHI has moved with the power markets, supporting nuclear, fossil, hydro, wind and solar generation as well as oil & gas, chemical and industrial facilities.  Our footprint in renewables is rapidly growing as the industry experiences substantial growth.

Learn more about BHI’s milestones over our 40 year History.

View Our History